Friday, December 14, 2012

12/14/12 Banking Grades Complete PLEASE READ

The assignments for the banking interdisciplinary unit are complete and placed in the following content classes:

Vocab Packet for A Penny Saved- worth 20 points on Portfolio 1 for Ms. Hunt's class.  This assignment was due today.  Extra copies have been distributed, but if you still need one, please ask.

Inflation Paragraph from Brain Pop video - Mrs. Petranchuk's class.  This grade is a rubric grade and was distributed to all today.

Banking Portfolio (includes Brain Pop quiz, The Gift of the Magi graphic organizer, saving circle map, the video conferencing activity)- another grade for Mrs. Petranchuk.  Portfolio cards were distributed today with grades assigned for each.

The above assignments are allowed to be turned in until Friday, December 21st for late credit.  There is a sign up list on the white board in room A5 for students to stay after school Tuesday thru Thursday next week.

Linear Equation Worksheet (Jose or Samantha)- this grade is a n assignment on Mrs. Oakley's portfolio next week.

Again, if you have not complete any of the assignments or have not turned them in, please do so for late credit by Friday, December 21st.  After that, these grades are closed out for the remainder of the marking period.  Contact Ms. Sobon with additional questions at

Monday, December 10, 2012

12/10/12 Math Unit 2 Review Jeopardy Game

Try to play this game with someone (like a parent, friend, or sibling) and see how well you know solving systems graphically and algebraically!

Solving Systems Jeopardy

12/10/12 Mars in ELA Lit

To listen to articles, type the name of the article in the search box on this website:

Opposing Viewpoints

Also, here is a link for graphic organizers:

Graphic Organizers

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How to Write Good (a hilarious joke)

1. Avoid alliteration always.
2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
3. The passive voice is to be avoided.
4. Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat.
5. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
6. Writers should never generalize.
Seven: Be consistent.
8. Don't use more words than necessary. It is highly superfluous.
9. Be more or less specific.
10. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Writing Stations with Saving Money

Learning Goals:

  • to recognize the importance of saving money early and consistently
  • to understand how inflation and interest are related 
  • to use critical thinking skills when evaluating a video clip's purpose, audience, and formulate questions students would want viewers to have the knowledge to answer


  1. Complete the short response on the BrainPop video from yesterday on banking and the  relationship between interest and inflation in regards to bank loans.  Type responses on PB Works site.  Create a Money folder to place the writing assignments for this unit in.
  2. Stations:  Students break into 3 subgroups and watch one of the short videos  (Animal SavingsFamily SavingsSesame Street)  Students in each assigned group become experts in one of the videos and determine the following for the video: audience, 1-2 main points, and create 3-5 questions on the video for other groups to answer)
  3. Students then switch groups and have 20 minutes at each video to answer the questions that were left on the white board.  

ELA Lit Tues and Wed

Students will engage in the following activities:

  • complete reading A Penny Saved comic book 
  • fill out the definitions on the vocabulary sheet from the content from the comic and/or short informational videos we have watched thus far
  • end goal: to create a short poem or rap/song that explains the benefits of saving to kids.  The main goal is to use at least 5 content vocabulary words

Monday, December 3, 2012

AXA Presentation: Saving Money and Linear Systems

For team Blue Classes:

For Team Orange Classes:

  • Students listen to presentation by Michael Leonelli (see link above)
  • hand out students transparency graphs of Jose and Samantha's savings plans.  Students sit in a Jose-Samantha pair in their groups (A,B,C, and D). 
  • Transpose the transparencies over each other and locate the solution.  
  • Complete the worksheet in pairs (one worksheet per pair).  Be sure both students' names are listed on the worksheet to hand in for a grade.  
  • On the back of the worksheet, solve the system of equations using the substitution method.
  • Here are the answer keys: substitution method and graphs