This flower sale benefits the STEAM TEAM! Need volunteers during 5th period to sell for 7th grade lunch and 6th period to sell for 8th grade lunch. Sale ends Thursday. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Listen to the song and write down any word or phrases that remind you of anything you have read in The Giver so far. List these words or phrases on the left side of your loose leaf and skip lines in between.
As I watch the groups work together, I see a benefit to posting this information on components (parts) of collaborative teamwork. Please read for additional information (they are quick reads).
This activity uses the British pound for currency in the data. See how the dollar sign is missing and there is a different symbol for the money? That is the symbol for the British pound. One British pound is worth $1.61 as of January 14, 2013. The activity uses data for an collector car and estimates its worth.